TOSCA is a scientific project on cosmology, astrophysics and image processing financed by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR/PCR). It explores synergies between optical and radio experiments, space telescopes like Euclid and ground based telescopes from the Square Kilometer Array Observatory (SKAO).

It will use advanced weak lensing statistics on Euclid galaxy images and SKAO radio maps. We will:

  • reconstruct galaxy images from SKAO maps, which requires new techniques suitable for a radio survey;
  • adapt tools so far developed for Euclid to retrieve shear maps for both SKAO and Euclid images;
  • extract cosmological parameters, by including new weak lensing statistics into Euclid and SKAO likelihood.

By doing so, we will be able to explore the synergy between Euclid and SKAO surveys, developing tools adapted to radio and visible images.